This is the Disclaimer of Please, read it carefully before using our site and browse as per it. If you visit our site, we consider that you do it by knowing the proper rules and regulation of using our site.
1. Images
We use many catchy images to look our site beautiful. We use some of our owned (copyrighted) images and some we collect from the web. We mainly collect images from,¸ and from some royalty free image sites (Pixabay). If any of our used images are righted by you (including and having any objection. We cordially request you to inform us first before taking any lawful action. Then we either take proper permission from you to use your image(s) or delete them ASAP. We give the proper credit and source link if any images contain ownership symbol.
2. Videos
To ensure better customer satisfaction we sometimes use video in page or post. Some of those videos are our own processed and some we collect from various video channels or sources. We always give credit and source link to those videos. If you own any video(s) is/are embedding on our blog and have any objection to our video activities. We cordially request you to inform us first before taking any lawful action. Then we either take proper permission from you to use your video(s) or delete them ASAP. We are not accountable any of your activities after watching video content from our blog. Do everything after viewing the video(s) on our site as on your own responsibility.
3. Products is just a blog maintained by some experts. We don’t manufacture or owned any products, are not a marketing company, and don’t have any outlines (shop, branch, or franchise) anywhere. We only share two types of information: skincare tips and product review. We share information based on search queries of the visitors, readers, online users, and obviously the information that we think is important for problem free and personal styling. We research and collect general and product information from,, and some other sites. Then we analyze that information for our readers and give the best one as articles or contents. It is only your responsibility to buy any products after getting information from out site. We will not be accountable for any of your activities in or after buying any product. If any products cause harm to you, we are not accountable for that also. We don’t change or manipulate any product information. We uphold the product description as per the main product owner or company.
4. Comments and Advice
Our comment section is aimed to provide general information related topic presented in the posts or pages. It is provided with the consideration that the expert is not engaged in representing any medical or professional services through the information shared. If you do so, only you will be accountable for that, not we.
5. Medical
Our provided tips, suggestions, and remedies on are strictly informational. We don’t provide medical advice by any means. It is better to take a suggestion from your physician, doctor, or dermatologist before applying the tips, suggestions, remedies, or products that you find on our site. will not be accountable in any way of harm, injury, damage, or illness that may result from the use of its contents or anything connected to this site.