There is no alternative to exfoliation to get a clean and itch-free back. You have to exfoliate your back regularly to get the optimum result. But, we all know this is not that easy.
For this reason, most people neglect back exfoliation even those who take a regular shower. They just ignore it because it remains out of their sight.
But a dirty back can produce various skin problems including rashes, itching, back acne, etc. To avoid them you should exfoliate your back regularly.
Today I will tell you how to exfoliate your back in the most effective way. It doesn’t need enough time. The only required thing for back exfoliation is your attention. Let’s see.
How Often Should You Exfoliate Your Back
There is no exact number for this. It depends on everyone’s personal preference. You can mildly exfoliate your back every day while taking shower. This exfoliation duration should be 0.5-1 minutes.
Or your back-exfoliation frequency could be 2-3 times a week. But if you are too busy, do back exfoliation at least once a week. The duration of back exfoliation depends on its frequency. You should spend some extra minutes if you exfoliate back at the weekend.
You should exfoliate your skin according to your needs. In both ways, it would do harm to your skin if you exfoliate less or do an over-exfoliation. Remember, over-exfoliation is harmful than less exfoliation.
Tools You Should Have for Back Exfoliation
Back is one of the hard to reach parts of our body. You need a special tool for it, commonly known as Back Scrubber. There are several types of back scrubber available in the market. Here I will introduce you to the most used back scrubber types. Let’s see.
01. Back Scrubbing Bands
It is about 4 inches wide and 32 inches long band with rope strings at both ends. You can use both sides to exfoliate, one is for smooth exfoliation (usually made with microfibers) and the other is for slightly rough exfoliation. Some exfoliating bands have natural loofah attached on one side.
Besides cloth made back exfoliating bands, there are silicone made bands also available to buy. They will last longer than the previous one. But, for the satisfaction, I will suggest you use a cloth made back scrubbing band.
02. Back Scrubbing Brush
This type of back scrubber contains soft bristle brush with a handle. This handle and body of this brush either made with wood or plastic. You can choose any one. Some brush has two different types of bristle at the both side of its head.
03. Back Scrubbing Loofah with Handle
It is almost same as the back-scrubbing brush. Just the brush head is replaced with a loofah. This could be a natural loofah or loofah pouf. For soft exfoliation you should use the loofah pouf.
Best Time to Exfoliate Your Back
Back exfoliation is a regular process. You can do it every day or put a gap between two exfoliations. But the gap should not be exceeded more than a week.
If you want my opinion, I personally suggest you exfoliate twice or thrice a week. And set a special body exfoliation session including back at every alternative weekend.
How to Do Regular Back Exfoliation
It just exfoliation your back while taking a daily shower. Make sure the shower water is warm. It helps to soften the dirt and impurities and open up the skin pores. Never use hot water for showers even if the weather is very cold.
First, wet your body thoroughly with water for a couple of minutes. It helps your body to adjust to the water temperature. Now use a loofah pouf and body wash to wash your entire body except back.
After washing the body keep focus on your back. Here you need a specialized tool that I mentioned above. You can use any one or a couple of them like back scrubbing band and exfoliating brush.
If you use both tools, I suggest you to use the scrubbing band first then the exfoliating brush.
Back Exfoliation with Scrubbing Band
Now wet the band and put some body wash over it and start scrubbing your back with the helps of your hands. Just move your hands backward and forward to ensure a nice exfoliation.
First start with the upper back then move to the down. The frequency of rubbing depends on your satisfaction. I think maximum 4-6 rubs at a single place is quite enough.
Back Exfoliation with Brush
Now wet your brush and put body wash on it. Hold the brush handle tightly and start scrubbing your back. It will give you a better exfoliation at the backbone line.
Basically, exfoliation with brush is good for pore cleansing. It helps to remove the dirt from every pore. Regular scrubbing with exfoliating brush will protect you from back acne.
Your back exfoliation is done. Wash it off with water and pat with a soft towel to dry. After exfoliation, use a moisturizer to give your skin a nourishing touch.
Exfoliation removes dirt and dead skin cells to reveal the newer skin. This newer skin is so sensitive, it can react very easily even with the sun. so use a sunscreen on the uncovered area or limit sun exposure.
Read Also: Best Body Wash that Let You Smell Good All Day.
Special Back Exfoliation Session
Though I tell it a special back exfoliation, it should be called a complete body exfoliation. You should set an entire body exfoliation session at every alternative weekend. And obviously it includes the back exfoliation. It will make your body and mind fresh.
Time it Takes
For full body exfoliation it takes at least 30 minutes where the back part takes 5-10 minutes.
The Exfoliation Process
You should start back exfoliation after completing your front body which includes neck, decollate, chest, belly, thighs, legs, feet, butt, etc. Because after finishing all these you can give a deep focus on back.
This type of back exfoliation gives better result if you have partner. Bathing with partner not only romantic but also gives some extra benefits. Nothing to worry if you don’t have one. I will tell you the way to get special back exfoliation with your own hands.
Back Exfoliation with Help of Partner
It is very easy. The only problem is you have to give him/her a return back exfoliation. But, definitely both of you will enjoy the moment.
First, wet your back with warm water if you keep it dry till now. But, I suggest you to wet the entire body before starting body exfoliation. It will help to soften the dirt and make your skin ready to exfoliate.
Now tell him to put body wash on your back start rubbing with bare hands. The rubbing should seem like a gentle massage. It increases the blood flow in your back and give you a super relaxation.
It also make the dirt and dead skin cells soft enough for easy exfoliation. Just do it for 2-3 minutes and wash it off with water.
After that tell him to put your favorite body scrub on your back and start scrubbing with hands. Remind him to be very gentle while doing this. Otherwise, you skin may experience scratches.
Let him exfoliate your back very gently for 3-5 minutes. And make sure he covers your entire back evenly. Now wash off the residue with warm water, pat with a towel to dry, and moisturize the damp skin right now.
Special Back Exfoliation by Yourself
It is not that complicated you think. Take a back-scrubbing band and wet it first. Put some body wash over it and use your hands to create some lather. Now spread the body wash lather all over the back with the band. No need to rub or exfoliate back with the band.
Wait for couple of minutes to make the lather soften dirt and dead skin cells. Then wash it off with water.
Take some body scrubs on your both hands and start scrubbing the parts of your back where the hands can reach easily. It’s like the shoulder blade, waist, and lower back.
Scrub those places for a couple of minutes. Now put some body scrub on the exfoliating band and start scrubbing your entire back. Be very gentle to avoid scratches. Here you need to spend couple of minutes also. Then wash the residue off and moisturize the back.
Finally, you are done.
The Last Words
No more today. Hope you will have a better back exfoliation experience at your next shower. Just give same importance to your back like the front.
Read Also: Best Organic Body Wash for Men’s Rough Skin.