How to Use Pumice Stone (All in One)

Most of the time, we are careless about feet and hands. As a result, we see some unexpected annoying guests on our feet and hands named cracks, callused skin, corns, etc.

Then we start shouting- what are they? What should I do now? Can I get by beauty again? Don’t worry, like all problems, these have a solution too.

And it is a pumice stone. Is the “Pumice stone” term new to you? If so, scroll down and know what pumice stone is and how to use pumice stone properly.

What is Pumice Stone?

Pumice stone is one kind of rock that forms from the volcanic eruption. When volcanic lava erupted in the surface area, it starts cooling very quickly. Due to the rapid cooling, the gas bubbles (mainly water vapor and CO2) get locked inside the lava. That’s why pumice rock is so porous.

It may vary from light to dark color and very abrasive. It is widely used for various purposes. But, it is mainly used for beauty and health care purposes. Pumice stone is a great tool to remove heel cracks, hard dry skin, calluses, corns, etc.

how to use pumice stone

Benefits of Pumice Stone

  • It helps to remove dead skin from your hands and feet.
  • Highly effective for removing heel cracks, callused skin, corns, strains, etc.
  • Ensures great exfoliations and improves blood circulation to the applied area.
  • Improves the hygienic condition of the body and enhances beauty.
  • Saves time and money.
  • You can remove pills from your clothing.
  • You can wash your bathroom floor, commode, basin with a pumice stone.
  • A pumice stone is a great tool for pedicure, manicure, and nail shaping purposes.
  • You can also remove unwanted hair from your body.

Where to Buy

how to use pumice stone

Pumice stone is available in any big drug store, beauty supply store, or departmental store. If you want to buy pumice stone physically, go to those stores and check the bath products or personal care section where the loofas, sponges, and nail brushes are found.

Buying pumice stone from online is the best and easiest way. You can buy them from various online stores. Among them, is best. And the best thing about online shopping is that you can see the previous customer’s reviews about the products. You can find both natural volcanic pumice stone and artificial factory-made pumice stone. I suggest you buy a natural one.

Buy pumice stone from

How to Use Pumice Stone

01. Use Pumice Stone for Your Regular Cleaning

It is a regular cleaning process. If your feet and hands are ok and don’t have any problem like cracks, calluses, corns, etc. Don’t think you don’t need the help of pumice stone. If you exfoliate your skin regularly with a pumice stone, you don’t have any risk of the cracked heel, callused skin, corns, etc. in the future.

There is no requirement of extra preparation for this purpose. You can do it at your bathing time. You can clean heels, ankles, side of the foot, the upper part of the fingers, knees, elbows, and the other body parts that you think need to clean with a pumice stone.

Just take a shower and give time to your skin to absorb moisture and become softer. When your skin gets soft enough, wet the pumice stone and rub on the desired area and get the soft and supple skin. Do it at least once a week to get the suppler skin.

02. Use for Cracked Heels

A. Know the Condition of the Cracks

Heel cracks are the most painful and embracing problem of our foot. And pumice stone is well known to prevent or remove cracked heels. First of all, you have to determine the condition of your cracks. If the condition of your cracks are severe and infected that sometimes it creates blooding, don’t use a pumice stone. First treats your cracked heels with foot cream, ointment, lotion, or by the oral drug (don’t take any drug without any suggestion of a doctor or podiatrist).

After treating your cracked heels or if the cracks are in primary condition, use a pumice stone to remove cracks. You need a little preparation to do this task. This preparation includes a medium-sized bowl or foot basin, kitchen salt or Epsom salt (buy Epsom salt from, a pumice stone, a towel, and your regular moisturizer.

B. Start the Main Part

Now fill the bowl or foot basin with lukewarm water and mix the Epsom salt in it. Dilute to dissolve the salt with water. This salt will help to disinfect your feet. Now put your feet into the water and keep it for 5-10 minutes. This time allows softening your feet’s skin which ensures a smooth exfoliation. If your skin is soft enough, it is ready for exfoliation.

Before using a pumice stone on your cracked heels, wet it. To do this, dip the pumice stone into water and give it time to absorb water and wet. Don’t use a dry pumice stone to rub your cracked heels.

Now you, all your tools, and obviously your heels are ready to perform the final task. Take the pumice stone and gently rub on your cracked heels. Do it in a circular motion. This will slough away the dead and hard skin from your heels. Rinse your feet and repeat until you get the soft supple skin instead of dead hard one.

Besides heels, you can also focus on your toes and other areas where the skin tends to build up. Don’t try to remove all your cracks on the first day. If so, it will hurt you. Do the exfoliation once or twice in a week. And you will get the soft, supple, and baby-like feet within a few weeks.

03. Use to Remove Callused Skin and Corns

First of all, you should know what are callused skin and corns. Calluses are a hard, thick, and rough area of skin often found in the heel area of feet, hand palms, and knuckles. They are slightly yellowish in color and have no specific size, shape, and well-defined edge.

On the other hand, corns are the round-shaped thick skin that usually found on the foot sole or the side of the toe. However, callused skin and corns can be developed in any part of the body.

how to use pumice stone

Now come to the main point, how you use a pumice stone to remove corn and callused skin. This process is almost the same as removing cracks from the feet. Take a bowl full of warm water and mix Epsom salt or vinegar in it (buy vinegar from and stir to dilute. After mixing, put your callused or corn affected are into the water for 15-20 minutes. In this time your skin gets softened so that you can get a nice scrubbing effect.

Now take a pumice stone and wet it as I said before. Start rubbing your desired area with a pumice stone. Be slow and gentle in this task. Don’t expect that you can remove all callused skin and corns on the first day. It is a continuous process.

Do it at least twice a week for the first month, then continue with once a week until you get complete relief. Don’t stop here. Always check your skin with hand. When your skin gets thickened, start scrubbing again.

04. Use to Remove Clothing Pills

It is not a popular method of using a pumice stone. You can use it to remove pills from your clothing (mainly winter clothing). To do this, take your cloth and lay it on a flat surface. Now take a dry pumice stone and gently rub over your cloth. The rough surface of the pumice stone effectively removes pills.

05. Use to Clean Bathroom

You can also use a pumice stone to clean your bathroom and copper ring of the toilet. Like clothing pill removing, it is not a popular method. When your bathroom floor gets slippery, a pumice stone can give you the best result of removing the slippery condition. For this purpose, you should use a rectangular-shaped pumice stone rather than the round one. Wash the pumice stone after washing floor and keep it dry.

For washing the toilet’s copper ring, obviously put on a pair of non-porous clean gloves. Then take the pumice stone and rub it over the ring. Repeat the process until the ring disappear. You can also use a toilet cleaner with a pumice stone for stubborn stains. Wash the pumice stone after cleaning the toilet. And keep it separate from other stones. Don’t use the same for both body and bathroom.

How to Wash and Store Pumice Stone

Pumice stone is a very useful tool for our daily life. It is not for one-time use. If you want to use pumice stone continuously, clean it well, and store it with care. After every use, wash the pumice stone with forceful water. Then dry it and store it in a dry place. You can also keep it in a box for better use in next. Use a brush (a toothbrush is ok) and soap to clean the stone once a week or a couple of weeks. And finally, boil it once a month to keep it completely bacteria and germ-free.

The Last Words

That’s all. Now you can use a pumice stone to keep your feet and body fully free from cracks, calluses, and corns.

Thanks and happy scrubbing!