Bathing in Milk Benefits

Milk bath is trending now. But, don’t think it is a modern-day skincare idea. It is practiced from the ancient period.

Royal people mainly the queen used to take a milk bath for skincare as a symbol of royal luxury. Cleopatra’s milk bath recipe is still discussed in the beauty world.

Now the question is why those Royal Queens took a milk bath? What are the benefits of a milk bath? Are they real or just a myth?

Here you will know the reality of the milk bath. Let’s see.

Nutritional Benefits of Milk for Skin

Milk is an ideal food for kids to adults. It contains lots of nutrients which is also good for skin as well. Let’s see the major nutrients of milk with a short beneficial brief.

Milk’s NutrientsBenefits for Skin
Lactic AcidA member of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs). Ensures gentle exfoliation by melting the intracellular glue of dead skin cells on the skin surface.
CalciumRepairs the skin’s topmost layer. Improves skin elasticity through collagen production. Prevents skin from free radical damages.
PotassiumEnsures nice care to dry and itchy skin through proper hydration and moisturization.
MagnesiumGives anti-aging benefits for youthful and glowing skin.
SeleniumGives younger look to the skin by increasing firmness and elasticity. Protects skin from the damages caused by the sun and free radicals.
ProteinRepairs skin tissues and ensures strong and healthy skin.
BiotinTransform dry and weaker skin into a healthy one.
Vitamin ABoosts cellular Regeneration. Provides healing power to dry, flaky, and peeling skin.
Vitamin DBoosts collagen production and gives skin a younger look by minimizing the formation of aging signs.
Vitamin B6Helps skin to remain healthy and moisturized. Gives healthy and strong skin through new cell formation.
Vitamin B12Gives an even-toned skin by fading out skin discoloration. Great for rough and uneven skin.

Milk Bath Benefits

If you search on the web about milk bath benefits, you will see several of them, but, all aren’t true. In this post, you will know what are the real benefits of a milk bath and what isn’t.

Let’s see the benefits first.

Provides Proper Moisturization

One of the major reasons behind the milk bath is intense hydration. Usually, the milk bath lasts 15-30 minutes. This time is enough for milk to hydrate your skin properly. Besides, in a milk bath, other ingredients are also used such as honey. This will boost your hydration level.

But, milk isn’t an emollient, it won’t lock moisture inside the skin. For better moisturizing benefits use moisture protecting products after a milk bath.

Ensured Gentle Exfoliation

Everybody knows milk is a good source of lactic acid, an important member of AHAs. Lactic acid gives gentle exfoliation without hampering skin conditions.

Dead skin cells are attached to each other with intercellular glue. Lactic acid just acts as a glue dissolver. It removes the dead skin cell off your skin and helps to grow the newer cells.

Makes Skin Soft and Supple

You know continuous shedding of dead skin cells makes your skin rough and flaky. Milk helps to bring the new skin cells in the front through the exfoliation with lactic acid.

And skin with newer cells is always softer than the old one. If you do a regular milk bath once or twice a week, you will feel the softness when you touch your skin.

Gives a Youthful Glow

All credits go to the exfoliation. Through exfoliation, a milk bath will keep your skin safe from premature aging. It stimulates cellular regeneration which gives you a newer and glowing look. And new cells help your skin to stand against premature aging signs like wrinkles, fine lines, saggy skin, etc.

Soothes Dry and Irritated Skin

Milk has cooling properties. If you put milk directly on your skin it will give you an enjoyable soothing sensation.

In the same way, a milk bath gives you a soothing experience if you have dry and irritated skin. A milk bath will heal that skin irritation quickly. Just soak your body into the bathwater mixed with milk and feel the chill. A regular milk bath will suppress the irritation and minimizes the causes of irritation.

Heal Sunburn

Sunburn is very common in summer, even you can get attacked by it in other seasons as well. There are lots of ways to recover your skin from the burn caused by sun rays.

But, if you don’t try a milk bath for sunburn recovery, I have to say you missed an awesome experience. A milk bath gives quick relief from sunburn irritation and helps your skin to repair the damaged cells.

Here goat milk does a great job. Its moisturizing fat helps to calm the redness caused by sunburn.

Remember, prevention is always better. So, don’t go to the sun without any sort of protection by thinking a milk bath can rescue you.

Provides Skin Beneficial Nutrients

Milk is an ideal food with lots of vitamins and minerals. It contains calcium, potassium, zinc, protein, biotin, and vitamin A, D, B6, & B12. These are not only good for your health but also for your skin.

Regular bathing with milk helps your skin to get these nutrients directly. It makes your skin healthy and strong to fight against all odds.

Provides Relaxation to Body and Mind

I hope nobody will argue with me if I say relaxation is one of the major reasons for taking a milk bath. It allows your body and mind to reach a peaceful state.

Just soak your body in the bathtub filled with warm water and milk to feel the relaxation. It is better to put your head on a bath pillow and lie back to enjoy the time.

If you ignore all other benefits, you should take a milk bath at the weekend to start your next week full of energy and a fresh mind.

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Myth About Milk Bath Benefits

For the lacking of scientific evidence, there is some myth still available about milk bath benefits. Like milk, bath heals some specific skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, poison ivy, hyperpigmentation, etc.

Some people say milk bath works well on these problems and some are marked as complete bullshit. And sorry to say I don’t have any solution to dissolve this controversy.

One study shows that topical use of human (definitely the mom) breast milk heals infant eczema. Firstly, this is not a study of a milk bath. And secondly, the milk we usually used for milk bath isn’t human milk. So, it isn’t wise to grant this study to prove the eczema healing claim of a milk bath.

I think, for eczema, it is better to talk with a dermatologist and use the medicine according to his suggestion.

Wait, I won’t tell you to believe or doubt all those controversial milk bath benefits. You may try a milk bath for those problems. If it works for you, keep continuing.

Or there are lots of other options to fight those problems. There is nothing to worry about it.

Benefits of Other Milk Bath Types

Milk bath doesn’t mean bathing only with cow or whole milk. Though most of us choose cow milk first for a milk bath as it is easily available and comparatively cheap. There are different types of milk available with different benefits. In the above segment, I told you about the benefits of a cow milk bath.

Now see the others.

Goat Milk Bath Benefits

The benefits of cow and goat milk on the skin are almost same. Because all ingredients are nearly equal. Both contain lactic acid for exfoliation.

But, there is a slight difference in the amount of those ingredients. Usually, goat milk contains more calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, and C. That’s why a goat milk bath is slightly good for your skin than cow milk.

Moreover, goat milk is suitable for all skin types. It helps to improve the moisture level of your skin and repairs skin barrier. It also protects your skin from aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines.

You can also use it to soothe skin irritation.

Benefits of Coconut Milk Bath

You must know the skin benefits of coconut oil. And you will be glad to know that coconut milk also has a huge positive impact on the skin.

It contains a medium-chain fatty acid called lauric acid which gives anti-microbial properties and improves the health of your skin. It also shows anti-inflammatory properties and promotes wound healing (source).

Moreover, the higher level of vitamin C in coconut milk improves your skin’s elasticity and strength. It gives your skin a younger look by fighting premature aging.

Almond Milk Bath Benefits

Almond milk is best for skin repairing. It also soothes and hydrates your skin. It keeps your skin soft and smooth with its rich fatty acid properties. Almond milk also contains antioxidants that keep your skin safe from free radical damages.

A regular bath with almond milk also prevents wrinkles and fine lines to form. It contains proteins, fat, calcium, potassium, and vitamin D & E. All these nutrients make your skin nourished and strong.

Oatmeal Milk Bath Benefits

An oatmeal milk bath is a great skincare recipe for skin. It just a combination of full-fat milk and ground oats. To make an oat milk bath you just need to add oatmeal to your regular milk bath.

Oatmeal provides an essential nutrient to the skin as it is rich in omega-a3 fatty acids, potassium, and folate. It also makes your skin soft and glowing. Besides, oatmeal does a gentle exfoliation along with the lactic acid of milk.

You can do an oatmeal milk bath regularly or take it as a break in your regular milk bath.

Butter Milk Bath Benefits

If you want soft and delicate skin you should do a buttermilk bath regularly. It is a good source of lactic acid. And hope you already know what lactic acid does to your skin. Besides lactic acid, its fat content is also high. Buttermilk bath hydrates your skin and gives it a silky-smooth appearance.


What types of milk you should use for a milk bath?

It is ok to use any type of milk for a bath by considering the needs of your skin. Usually, cow milk is used for milk bath because it provides huge benefits to skin and is also cost effective.

If you have dry skin and need moisturizing care, use whole milk for a nourishing milk bath. Whole milk is rich in fat which makes your skin soft and nourished.

Besides, you can use coconut milk, soy milk, rice milk, buttermilk to give a different look to your milk bath. Just make sure your skin gets the right care.

Does a milk bath lighten the skin?

Using milk for skincare has a long history. Now it is used in various skin and beauty care products. People believe that using milk topically is good for skin health and gives an attractive glow to it.
Milk contains lactic acid which is a nice natural exfoliator. It removes dead skin cells and brings the newer cell in the front. Definitely, it improves the glow of your skin. Besides, milk contains vitamins A and D which improve the appearance of the skin.

So, after considering all that, we can say using milk topically gives our skin a nice glow either the tone is dark or white. Though there is no scientific evidence for this claim. And remember, milk can not make dark skin white.

The skin lightening effect from the milk bath depends on the amount of milk you used for the milk bath and the bathing frequency. If you use only 1-2 cups of milk in the bathtub, your expectation should remain on that level.

The Last Words

A milk bath isn’t a royal thing now. You should do a milk bath not only to care for skin but also to experience different bathing flavor. Just enjoy it.