How to Make Bubble Bath with Body Wash (Unbelievably Easy)

Bubble bath is relaxing, there is no doubt about it. Generally, we use a commercial bubble bath liquid or bath bomb to enjoy a bubble bath at home. But, do you know you can make a bubble bath with your regular body wash?

Yes, it is possible. Today, I will tell you the easiest recipe for a bubble bath with body wash and other moisturizing ingredients. It is very easy to make and completely safe as you know all its ingredients. You can also adjust the ingredients according to your skin demand.

Here you will also know the bubble bath recipe along with the conditions you should practice to make a successful bubble bath. Just read this post from start to end and follow the instructions.

What You Need

Don’t think I forget to tell you the amount of those bubble bath ingredients. I will tell you right now along with all the benefits. You can make some twists to this recipe if you want. You can add glycerin or other moisturizing ingredients according to your skin needs. The amount of ingredients I coined below is suitable for a medium-size bathtub. If you have a large bathtub, you may have to increase the amount. Let’s dig deeper.

Body Wash

I don’t know which body wash you use to clean your body. Don’t worry, any type of body wash is good enough for making a bubble bath. Just make sure your body wash is gentle and has the capability to create a huge lather.

how to make bubble bath with body wash
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Do you want to know my favorite body wash? My favorite one is Jack Black Reserve Body & Hair Cleanser. It is so gentle, fragrance-free, and creates a soft creamy lather. You can give it a try for your bubble bath. Only ½ cup of body wash is enough to make a bubble bath at home.


There is no correlation between honey with making the bubble. It is used to give nourishing treatment to your skin. Honey is well known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is also a great moisturizer and acts as an emollient. For the bubble bath, I prefer 1 tablespoon honey.

Coconut Oil

It is another well-known and mostly used moisturizing ingredient. I use this as an addition to honey to minimize the cost of a homemade bubble bath. Coconut oil has moisturizing and antibacterial benefits. It provides potential moisturization while bathing and protects from shower-induced skin dryness. For a bubble bath, you need 3-4 tablespoons of organic coconut oil.

Read Also: Key Difference Between Shower Gel, Body Wash, and Bar Soap

Essential Oil

A bath without aroma isn’t a bath to me. But, I don’t like artificial fragrances in my body wash. That’s why I prefer essential oils. It is a kind of luxurious touch to the bath. You can choose any type of essential oil that is your favorite. I usually use 8-10 drops of essential oil for a bath.

Distilled Water

Distilled water is free of all contaminants and hardness. That’s why distilled water increases the shelf life of this bubble bath recipe. Here ½ cup of distilled water is enough.

The Making Process

The making process of this bubble bath with body wash is very easy. After arranging all the ingredients, you need just 1 minute to prepare this bubble bath.

Just take a glass bowl and put ½ cup of your favorite body wash in it. Now put the honey, coconut oil, and essential oil into it and stir well with a stick or spoon to mix them evenly. After that, mix ½ cup of distilled water and stir again. After doing all these, take a mason jar, pour the prepared bubble bath recipe into it and store it in a refrigerator. And use it when you plan to make an awesome bubble bath.

The High Moment: Bubble Bath

A bubble bath isn’t an everyday routine. Once in a week or a couple of weeks is a good practice. Because a bubble bath takes more time than a regular shower. And you must have that time to enjoy a bubble bath. I think everybody who takes a bubble is looking for enjoyment and relaxation from it. If you want to make an enjoyable bubble bath, you need to consider some factors before it. Let’s see.

Things Need to be Considered Before Bubble Bath


It is very important to manage the time for doing a bubble bath. It is not a 10 to 15 minutes bath that you have done every day. A bubble bath usually takes half an hour to almost one hour. That’s why I suggest you do a bubble bath at the weekend when you have enough time in your hands. And you are also free from important work on this day.

Water Quality

A homemade bubble bath recipe doesn’t give you much lather compared to a commercial bubble bath. So, water quality is very important for making a bubble bath with a homemade recipe.

Don’t worry, I won’t tell you to arrange spring water for a bubble bath. Normal tap water is enough for this. But, one thing you need to check is the hardness of the water. Because hard water doesn’t let the bubble bath recipe to make the desired lather. You don’t need to check water hardness every day, once in a year is good enough.

Arrange All Shower Tools

For a complete shower, you need to arrange all shower tools near your hands. You may need loofah, washcloth, shower oil, etc. If you have a reading habit, you could read some pages while taking a bubble bath.

For a bubble bath, you should bring a bath pillow to support your head. I like Viventive Luxurious Bath Pillow for taking a bath in a tub. It not only supports the head but also your back.

Bath Tub

Bathtub for bubble bath
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You can do a bubble bath in all types of bathtubs. But a bath with jets helps you to create a huge bubble. You can check the ANZZI Whirlpool bathtub for your next bubble bath. It is quite expensive but ensures a relaxing bath.

If you have a regular bathtub, you can use Conair Dual Jet Bath Spa for a bubble bath. It doesn’t give you as much bubble as a jet tub creates. But, it creates a better bubble than your hand.

Get Ready for Bath

Now close the drainage system of your bathtub and open the tap to fill the tub with water. Put 1 cup of bubble bath recipe directly under the tap water. If you don’t have a jet tub or jet accessories like me, use your hand to create a bubble from the beginning. Or if you have them, start after filling the tub with water. And step inside when the tub surface is covered with a nice white bubble.

The Last Words

Sorry. There is no last word. Just enjoy your bubble bath and share the experience with us.


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01. Things you Can Use Instead of Body Wash
02. Bad Chemicals of Body Wash