How to Take Care of Skin in Winter Naturally

No other season reminds you about your skin as winter does.

Winter chills are enjoyable, but it damages your skin. The major problem of winter is its dry nature. The dryness sucks out moisture from your skin and makes it harsh and flaky.

Sometimes this dryness creates cracks and bleeding especially in lips.

But, you can protect yourself from the attack of the winter. You just need to take some measures to get healthy skin and sound health in winter.

In this post, you will get all the ways by which you can take care of your skin in winter NATURALLY.

Just go through this post, do what it says, and enjoy the winter better than any time before.

01. Ensure Water Intake

Winter is dry and it sucks moisture from our skin, we all know it. But, we drink less water in the winter. It is because; we sweat less and feel cold all the time. And we are habituated to take a hot drink like tea or coffee. It is really harmful to our body as well as skin.

If you use cream, lotion, and moisturizer all the time and drink less water; all your skincare regimens will fail. So, to care about your skin in the winter, drink enough amount of water. You should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. If the water is too cold, make it warm and drink.

Just remember, the more you drink, your skin will remain healthier and supplier in the winter.

02. Use a Room Humidifier

In winter, we use the fireplace, room heater, and other equipment that make the environment inside our home warm. Definitely, it is positive for winter. But, the negative part of using this equipment is, it kicks off the moisture from your home.

So, should you stop it? No…

Use all the possible measures that make your home warm and use a humidifier to fill the loss of moisture in the winter. Use can use just one for your bedroom and several for your entire house. It protects your skin from moisture loss and helps to stay healthy in the dry winter.

03. Change Your Daily Skincare Products

How to take care of skin in winter naturally

Winter weather is different. Your skin reacts too much at this time. So, you should change the skincare products that you used to use other months of the year. In the winter, your daily skincare regimen must contain cleanser and scrub, soap, moisturizer, and obviously a lip balm.

Cleanser has always a tendency to make skin dry. So, you should focus on you’re ingredients and the nature of the cleanser to take care of skin in winter. Switch to a moisturizing body wash and cleanser rather than the chemical-based. Make sure the ingredients are natural and organic. And use a natural scrub to remove the dry and flaky skin. Replace your body wash or soap bar with moisturizing one. Don’t forget to use a moisturizer just after every cleansing.

Moisturizer is a must needed skincare tool for your skin in the winter. It may be a lotion, cream, mist spray, toner, etc. Shift it to oil-based if you use water-based moisturizers. Make sure, they are not the chemical-based moisturizer. A good moisturizer contains natural ingredients like jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, olive oil, rosehip oil, coconut oil, etc. And it will be better if you use a moisturizer that not only moisturizes your skin but also protect from moisture loss.

Lip balm. In winter, you cannot imagine a sweet smile without it. Lip skin is so thin and delicate. And it more prone to dryness than any other part of the body. So, use a natural and organic moisturizing lip balm to let your lips smile without pain. You can use colored lip balm for fashion. But, make sure the color is natural.

04. Eat Right

How to take care of skin in winter naturally

A right diet plan will help to get good health and skin. Foods that contain more water help you to stay hydrated. Winter comes with lots of delicious, juicy, and nutritious vegetables. It includes cucumber, carrot, tomato, spinach, broccoli, and lots more. To care about your skin, eat more and more vegetables in the winter in any form. Eat either by cooking, or by making juice, or by raw form as a salad. You can also use some of them as an ingredient for your face pack in the winter.

Besides vegetables, you should eat cereals and fish to get skin beneficial elements like omega-3 fatty acids. Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids are flaxseed, chia seed, almonds, tofu, sardines, salmon, cod liver oil, etc. You can also eat some vegetable oil like olive oil, almond oil, and coconut oil. But, make sure the oils are suitable for consumption.

And avoid junk, oily, and grilled food. It not only damages your skin condition but also damages overall health. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

05. Moisturizes Regularly

Winter sucks out moisture. So you have to apply moisturizer regularly to fight the skin damages caused by winter dry weather. Apply a moisturizer every time you feel dry. It is better to apply moisturizer every day before getting out of home and before going to bed for sleep. Use a moisturizer that hydrates your skin for a long time like 12 or 24 hours. Try to carry a tiny moisturizer tube in your purse so that you can use it anytime anywhere.

Next, don’t forget to use a moisturizer after bathing, or washing face, or scrubbing. It is too much important. Because washing the skin of any part of your body makes it dry. Applying a moisturizer on the damp skin immediately helps your skin to restore moisture more.

Another best way of getting moisture is by using moisturizing oil while bathing. Just, put a few drops of essential oils like olive oil, lavender oil, almond oil, lemongrass oil in your bathtub and mix. Then take a bath. It is so simple to get moisturizing care whiling bathing. You should use body wash instead of bar soap or shower gel to get moisturizing care in winter during the shower.

06. Make an Exfoliation Routine

Winter generates dead and flaky skin more than at any time of the year. You must do natural exfoliation in winter to care for your skin. It helps to slough off the dead skin cells shedding and bring the newer skin in front. You can do it with your kitchen ingredients. Use natural ingredients or loofah for exfoliation and be gentle in this job. And don’t do it more than three times a week.

07. Stop Taking Hot Shower, Use Lukewarm Water Instead

It is really enjoyable to take a hot shower or bath in the cold winter.  But you should stop it for the sake of your skin. Hot shower strip off the natural oil and moisture of your skin. And it makes your skin drier than previously.

So, use lukewarm water while bathing and cleansing instead of hot. Lukewarm water is slightly warmer than your body temperature, but not hot. And make the bathing and showering period short. Otherwise, it will not give you the expected skincare result that you want.

08. Protect Yourself

How to take care of skin in winter naturally

Prevention is better than cure, everybody knows. But, in reality, it seems only a few people know this and takes preventive measures. In winter make sure, your skin is safe from cold winter air and snow. You should wear a jacket, gloves, winter cap, and woolen socks to keep your body warm and safe.

Don’t think the sun ray in winter doesn’t cause any harm to the skin. The warmth of the sun ray is enjoyable. But it may cause the same damage as the summer sun. So, use sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage in winter. Make sure you choose the right SPF for your skin. When the winter turns to bitter cold, don’t go outside home without any major reason. It is the best way to keep you safe from winter weather.

09. Care at Night

The night is not only the resting time for you. It is the resting time for your skin too. Your skin tries to repair the loss of the previous day at night so that it can work with full energy next day.

So, you should follow some skincare regimen before going to bed. First of all, wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Then apply a moisturizing night cream on your face to work the entire night against winter dryness. You should also moisturize your neck, hand, and feet. You can use a commercial moisturizer or some skin-caring oils like olive oil, almond oil, castor oil, or coconut oil to moisturize your skin. And in extreme cold, put a pair of socks and gloves to prevent moisture loss.

10. Try Some DIY Masks or Packs

How to take care of skin in winter naturally

Face masks and packs are very essential for the skin. In winter they provide the moisturizing care to your face. There are lots of skin-caring face mask and pack recipes available on the web. I hope you know some of them well.

You can use your kitchen ingredients to make an effective face pack and mask. It may include cucumber, potato, tomato, strawberry, honey, yogurt, avocado, almond oil, aloe vera, etc. Make sure the ingredients are natural. And it is better if they are organic.

Before applying a face mask, just clean your face with a gentle cleanser. Make your favorite face mask or pack and apply it. Let the face pack set for 10-30 minutes. And let the face mask dry. Then wash it off and use your regular moisturizer. Do it for once or twice a week or according to your skin’s needs.

11. Avoid Skin Irritants

If your skin is super sensitive or has problems like eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis, you should take special care to it. Avoid using products that cause allergy or irritation to your skin. Make sure your clothes are skin-friendly and do not create allergy or itching. Some foods may responsible for the allergic reaction to your skin. Figure out the foods and avoid them.

12. Avoid bad habits

How to take care of skin in winter naturally

This is not just for winter. If you want healthy skin, you should maintain it all the time of the year. Bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol not only ruin your health, but also the health of your skin.

Nicotine causes vasoconstriction. It limits blood and oxygen flow through the tiny blood vessel of the face and skin. Thus it hampers the overall health of the skin. Smoking also causes under-eye bags, psoriasis, skin discoloration, wrinkles, and fine lines.

On the other hand, drinking alcohol is much dangerous than smoking for the skin. It causes dehydration, puffiness, redness, cell damage, and breakouts to your skin. It creates inflammation to the internal organs which affect the overall health of your skin.

So, stop drinking alcohol and smoking ASAP.

13. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is great for your health along with the skin. Regular exercise improves the blood flow which helps to nourish the cells with the needed nutrients. When you exercise, you sweat. It helps to open up the clogged pores which prevent acne formation. Exercise also reduces stress which improves the condition of acne, pimples, and eczema.

14. Soak Your Feet

Do not overlook the skin of your feet. It is very prone to some skin conditions like eczema, corn, callous, athlete’s foot, fungal, and bacterial infections. The best way to prevent your skin from these problems is foot soak. It helps to remove dead skin cells, soften skin, and fight bacterial and fungal infection. There are many ways to do a foot soak. You can choose your favorite foot soak from here. And it is not only for winter.


Now you can protect your skin from harsh winter. Enjoy every moment of winter confidently with healthy skin. If you know any other tips to care for skin in winter, please share it with us.
